I started looking for new sofa’s quite some time ago. I knew that they had to be pretty tough, easy to clean and blend with my taste for old stuff. I like timbers and flowers and I still like colour… and well taste is a personal thing isn’t it? It isn’t my taste to have the clutter I naturally accumulate but there is nothing that can be done with that. I have not succeeded in teaching my family not to clutter my spaces.
Our rented house is the same size as a postage stamp. I kinda plan on buying one (a house not a postage stamp).. in the near future. Or not. I wait for when the shit is over to make such decisions. I still look. And I kinda save.
Anyway – on the Internet I found a post about dog friendly sofas and a sofa I liked. I will link this later when I find the damn site. I carried the entire article around for the majority of this year – kept losing it and finding it…but tonight it is definitely lost. Or maybe I just liked the dogs and one of them does look like Rocky! So – the sofa starter came from this picture.
And this one too..
Leather that can handle the scratches and wear with it. I also liked sofas like his one…

But it is probably a bit too modern for me. The leaves on the floor of the photo kinda make it feel like home though. You wouldn’t believe the things my dogs bring inside for me!

I loved this.

Locally I couldn’t find the aniline leather I needed – bomber jacket type stuff or the stuff you find on boat shoes for men? Where you scratch it and it just rubs out or looks better for it. I could find comfortable sofas – that were ugly. I could find beautiful sofas – that were uncomfortable.
I found the one below at Rockhampton and I liked it but Christian did not. It was also $ 7000 just for it alone, so would of come in at the absolute top end of my budget after purchasing a second one.

It was amazingly comfortable and spacious and had an ottoman with it.
But – on our second shopping trip to Brisbane I found this one that met all purposes except that maybe I would of liked the lighter tan better like the original Internet post that first attracted me. But – we are messy. My partner works in the dirt and will sit on the sofa before changing. My dogs think dust bathing is a perfectly acceptable activity before sofa lounging. My son attracts bike chain grease and mud flat dirt.

So – I paid the deposit and was told by the saleswoman that it would take one to two weeks to be delivered to me 600 kms north. I then got the invoice that told me I would have to wait until the 25th November before it would arrive. I was so upset and rang immediately .. and was told …. just 8 weeks to wait. Ok… I can do that. Eight weeks came and went and I rang – and nope.. the computer said that I was happy to wait till 25 th November. Yep… I cried on the phone. I have no shame. (I can’t believe I did that!)