
March « 2013 « DogFriendly.com"s Dog News

Say you’re moving from NYC to Florida? Or from Chicago to Texas. You have a car to move but don’t want to drive yourself. You also have a pet or pets to move. Car To Florida (cartoflorida.com) or Cross Country Driver (http://crosscountrydriver.com) will drive your car and your pet for you from one place to another. They will not only take pets, you need to also be moving your car as well. Sample fares are around $ 800.00 from NY area to Florida or $ 1100.00 for trips around 1000 miles. For more information see their website.

If you are driving yourself, see DogFriendly.com’s Guides to the U.S. and DogFriendly.com’s Highway Guides to Pet-Friendly accommodations.

I believe that everyone has the capacity to have a positive impact in their community. It may be as simple as offering a meal to someone who is hungry, teaching someone a new skill, or solving a problem that has perplexed society. I believe that your pet can be socially responsible as well.

Below is a list of eight inspiring activities that you and your pet can do together to positively impact your community.

1. Become involved in the Sit Stay Read program. In this fabulous program children read to friendly pets that are naturally nonjudgmental and loving. Children find this experience relaxing, fun, and confidence boosting while improving their reading skills. If your pet would like to be a listening volunteer please visit Sit Stay Read for more information.

For the rest of the suggestions, see the article…

Picture this: You’re sitting on a white sand beach, warm sun on your skin. Coconut-scented sunscreen wafts through the air. A splashing noise comes from the blue Gulf of Mexico. It’s your dog, happily retrieving his favorite ball from the water.

This article by AP on the First Coast News continues…

DogFriendly.com’s Florida Guide to Hotels, Patio Dining, Parks, Beaches, Shopping, Attractions and more pet-friendly places.

